branch off, commit, and merge back
29 Oct 2015
Once your changes have been carefully reviewed and staged, they’re ready to be committed to the active branch. Include a…
review with status, diff and log
12 Oct 2015
Once you have staged all the changes you want to make (see add, remove and reset), you’re ready to commit…
add and remove (rm), checkout and reset
7 Jul 2015
Git is a stickler for detail, but helpfully so. It tries not to do things unless you specifically tell it…
checkout this branch
6 Jul 2015
Welcome to one of the most easily confused git commands there is: checkout. Many people use the phrase, “Checkout the…
push and pull
7 Jun 2015
The state of a codebase on a git server, whether an origin repo in a server or on someone’s laptop,…
init, clone and origin
28 May 2015
Hopefully you, and the powers that be at your company, are convinced: git is the future and the way forward.…
End to Big Bang commits
26 May 2015
No matter how agile we get, or small and isolated we try to make our changes, collaborative development will always…
Backup as often as you like
24 May 2015
Have you ever experimented with a few different approaches to solving a tricky problem only later to try to salvage…
Work on multiple changes concurrently
23 May 2015
Some server-client Version Control Systems (VCSs), for instance Perforce, have concepts like shelving where you can isolate changes you make…
Power of the server in your client
21 May 2015
The previous generation of Version Control Systems (VCS), like Subversion, have a traditional client-server model. All the functionality relating to…