One year in…

Happy Anniversary! In updating my Fantasy Football League Team Selector Spreadsheet for the new Premier League season, I realised it’s been over one year since the inception of this humble tech blog. I’ve gotten on my soap box a few times about how software development should be done, provided some programming tutorials and uploaded some executables with GPL sourcecode. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to achieve other than freshen up my tech skills but I feel it’s given me so much more than I hoped it would. The plan for the next year is to get a bit more with the times. I’ll continue my move to produce more than just desktop software by starting some web sites with the aim of growing a small community of users. We’ll see how it goes I suppose.


But for now, I want to thank absolutely everyone who has ever taken the time to read any of my articles and especially anybody who has given me words of encourgement along the way – it really means a lot.